Monday, June 23, 2008

Alia Sabur Profesor Termuda di Dunia

Ini dia profesor termuda di dunia. Usianya baru 19 tahun, namun wanita ini telah mencetak rekor dunia sebagai profesor paling muda dalam sejarah.

Dialah Alia Sabur asal Northport, New York, AS. Wanita satu ini memang luar biasa. Dia mulai bicara dan membaca ketika masih berumur 8 bulan! Alia menyelesaikan pendidikan SD pada usia 5 tahun.

Dia kemudian masuk kuliah pada umur 10 tahun. Dan pasa umur 14 tahun, Alia meraih gelar sarjana sains dalam bidang matematika aplikasi dari Universitas Stony Brook, wanita paling muda dalam sejarah AS yang berhasil melakukannya.

Pendidikan Alia berlanjut ke Universitas Drexel dan meraih gelar M.S. dan Ph.D. dalam sains dan engineering.

“Saya benar-benar senang mengajar,” kata Alia seperti dilansir MSNBC, Sabtu (26/4). “Ini hal di mana Anda bisa membuat perberdaan. Ini bukan cuma apa yang bisa Anda lakukan, tapi Anda bisa membuat banyak orang menjadi berbeda,” imbuh wanita muda itu.

Dikatakan Alia, yang ingin dilakukannya hanyalah membagi semua yang telah dipelajarinya. “Saya merasa saya bisa membantu banyak orang,” tuturnya.

Selain prestasi akademiknya yang mengagumkan, Alia juga merupakan pemain musik dan pemegang sabuk hitam olahraga bela diri taekwondo.

Alia Sabur, a 14-year-old Long Island, N.Y., native has enrolled at Drexel University's College of Engineering to pursue a doctoral degree in mechanical and electrical engineering. She is the youngest Ph.D. student in the nation. A summa cum laude graduate of Stony Brook University with a bachelor of science degree in applied mathematics, Sabur will study and research nano-photonics.

"Alia was recruited by the most competitive graduate schools in the country. She is a tremendous addition to our rapidly growing program," said Selçuk Güçeri, dean of the Drexel's College of Engineering. "She is a fast learner and a creative thinker."

A clarinet-playing musical prodigy, Sabur hopes to take advantage of many of Philadelphia's cultural offerings, including studying with Ricardo Morales, the principal clarinetist with the Philadelphia Orchestra. Sabur started
playing the clarinet at 11. She is also a black belt in Tae Kwon Do.

"I look forward to playing in my Philadelphia concert debut at Drexel with Dr. Güçeri, who is an excellent pianist," she said.

Güçeri was Sabur's major contact during the recruitment process. "Dr. Güçeri," she said, "is an excellent recruiter and scientist and pianist. Drexel has a great graduate engineering program and is involved in exciting research."

Sabur is the daughter of Julie and Mark Sabur. She began talking when she was eight months old, reading full novels when she was two and writing at two and a half. She completed her K-6 curriculum by the end of her first year in school and began her undergraduate studies at Stony Brook in the fall of 1999.

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